Editing services

The Literary Consultancy

The Literary Consultancy is a service for writers who need an experienced book and short story editor who can give honest and constructive feedback on your writing work.

The Manuscript Assessment:   

Writing can seem like such a daunting venture and there always comes a point in the lonely pursuit of finishing a book where you can no longer see the wood for the trees. Having someone by your side to help you step back and see the story as a whole, can make all the difference. This service provides a manuscript with specialist attention and involves a structural critique (8–12 pages approx), mark-up where required (not copyedit), and a 1 hour brainstorming session with me, post-report. We can do this in person, on the phone or via Zoom.  This report is ideal if you have an agent or publisher interested in your work, are already on the cusp of being published, or are looking for a more hands-on editorial approach with a manuscript that is nearing the final stages of completion.   

My Rates:

The Manuscript Assessment:

£450 up to 25k words.  

£600 up to 25k-50k.  

£12 per 1k words thereafter.


Are you ready to submit your work? This is a service that looks at your query letter, 1 - page synopsis and first 3 chapters - or up to 30 double-spaced pages - to assess whether your package is ready to send to an agent or an editor.

My Rates:

The Submission Package: £450

"Lindsay is such an excellent editor. She is so thoughtful and thorough. Her work on my manuscript has been gold dust to me. It always amazes me what I can't see in my own work. It's an endless battle!  Her feedback and guidance gave me the direction and the focus that I needed to bring my work to the next stage. It actually energised me and I have been working all hours to improve the stories.”

Grainne O’Toole


“I really needed an objective, experienced eye on my first draft of my first novel and that is precisely what Lindsay has so kindly yet objectively provided.

Really spot on in terms of her constructive criticism to help me move forward and also genuine and thoughtful comments and encouragement.

Immense thanks to her for such a caring, thoughtful yet objective, stimulating initial response, and for offering this service as I’m riddled with self-doubt.”

Steven Brian Robinson

“I wanted to say a huge thank you for the excellent service that Lindsay Hawdon has provided.  Her feedback is always incredibly helpful and just what I was hoping for.  I would never have felt this 'in the know' about my own work if it hadn't been for Lindsay's splendid insight and our conversations. “

Philip Seal